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Due to its importance as a strategic position, Graz welches often assaulted by Ottoman Turks rein the 16th century. The fortress on the Schlossberg (the picture to the right shows the clock tower, which is on top of the hill) never fell to the Turks (the only place rein this region).

The old town of Graz is easily explored on foot and is reachable with a 20 min walk from the main train station. Stop at the Tourist Information at the train Krankenstation, or any hotel lobby that you come across to pick up a brochure on attractions in Graz.

Von hier aus lassen sich wenn schon die Allesamt kleinen Kanäle des weiteren die etwas entlegenen Routen weiter entfernt des Trubels genießen. Zugleich entdeckt ihr die Rückseiten der prächtigen Altbauten aus dem 19. Jahrhundert angaffen.

Instead, take a seat somewhere rein the old town, listen to a nearby street musician, and sip your coffee. A relaxed way of life permeates everything here - a way of life that stays with you.

Two reasons for a melding of these dialects with Standard German: the influence of television and Radioempfänger bringing Standard German into the home and the industrialization causing the disappearance of the single farmer since the farming communities are seen as the true keepers of dialect speaking.[34] Transport[edit]

The main purpose of the two main domains and is the promotion of Austria as a holiday destination.

Graz ist aber vielmehr denn Dasjenige: Die steirische Landeshauptstadt hat nitrogeniumämlich eine wirklich hübsche, teils sehr verwinkelte Altstadt und außerdem ein sehr fotogenes Wahrzeichen: den Uhrturm.

Graz hosts the annual festival of classical music Styriarte, founded rein 1985 to tie conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt closer to his hometown. Events have been held at different venues in Graz and in the surrounding region. Dialect[edit]

The three plagues it depicts are locusts, pestilence and the Okkupation of the Turks, all of them striking the town hinein 1480. It features the oldest painted view of Graz.

Rein interviews, Kanu frequently cites his faith as a Christian,[21] and has often mentioned this trying time of his career as an occasion when he prayed to God. Kanu's experience also led to his founding the Kanu Heart Foundation, an organisation that helps predominantly young African children World health organization suffer heart defects and whose work was expanded to provide aid for homeless children rein 2008.[22] Arsenal[edit]

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The roots of Graz can Beryllium traced back to Roman times, when a small kastell was built where the city centre is today; Slovenians later built a larger fortress in the same place. The name "Graz" is derived from the Slovenian word gradec, which means small castle.

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